torsdag 18. august 2016

My AIESEC journey

Nå har jeg lagt 1 og et halvt år som AIESECer og visepresident i hylla, og det føles nesten som om jeg har mistet en del av meg selv, men samtidig ikke. For planen er å fortsette AIESEC karrieren i Spania, Madrid, hvor jeg skal ta utveksling i et halvt år. Men siden jeg ikke drar avgårde før 29. august, så føles det ut som om jeg er i limbo.

Ikke hører jeg til en del av skolelivet og alt det kule som skjer rundt fadderiet, og ikke har jeg en finger med i AIESEC. Eller ok, joda. På en måte har jeg det siden jeg skal hjelpe til med rekrutteringa og å stå på stand. Men det er ikke som visepresident, og det er det som er rart.

Limbo sier jeg.

Jeg flyttet ut av toppetasjen før jeg i det hele tatt landa med prosjektet mitt, også flyttet jeg hjem i noen dager. Men så dro jeg raskt på hytte til Kristiansand, deretter hjem også til Oslo på jobb. Og her blir jeg i mer eller mindre en uke fremover. Tida flyr, men samtidig ikke liksom.

Jeg har liksom litt vansker for å fatte alt som har skjedd, alt jeg har klart å få til - og det sammen med alle de vakre menneskene jeg har møtt på veien,

Jeg rommes av en tristhet. Jeg er bare et menneske med 24 timer i døgnet, og bankkontoen min er ikke akkurat ubegrenset - og greia er at jeg har så innmari lyst til å være sammen med alle de vakre personlighetene jeg har møtt og som står meg nær. Jeg har lyst til å tilbringe tida mi med alle disse, men ikke har jeg nok tid eller penger. Jeg har vært så ufattelig heldig med å møte så mange gode mennesker som har påvirket, inspirert og motivert meg. Baksiden er at jeg ikke får like god tid til alle sammen, og akkurat nå vet jeg ikke helt hvordan jeg skal takle denne utfordringen.

Prosjektet sluttet for litt over to uker siden, og for tre uker siden sluttet sommerleiren. Uansett hvor mye jeg prøver å forstå hva jeg har gjort, klart å få til og ikke minst oppnådd, så er det som et fjernt minne. Tidsperspektivet mitt er ødelagt sier jeg. For eksempel når mine kjære frivillige leirledere snart skulle dra, eller når vi rundet av sommerleiren og sa ha det til barna, så var det nesten ikke virkelig. Det sluttet liksom så brått. Samtidig hadde jeg en følelse av at jeg kom til å se dem igjen. Nå, sakte men sikkert, skjønner jeg at det ikke kommer til å bli det samme, noe som er sykt leit. Jeg skal allikevel sørge for at jeg er i en posisjon hvor jeg får møtt dem igjen, for var det en ting som gjorde at jeg var så rolig hele tida, så var det at mine innvoller sa til meg at vi kom til å se barna og mine nye gode venner igjen.

En måte for meg å forstå "the impact" på er å gå gjennom de utrolige tilbakemeldingene jeg har fått. Jeg prøver hele tiden å fortelle og dele mitt syn på ting i håp om å påvirke folk til å tenke i et nytt perspektiv og ikke minst til å handle. Den responsen jeg har fått tilbake varmer hjertet mitt til de grader, og er så ufattelig at jeg hele tiden leser dem om og om igjen og prøver å fatte hva det er de mener. Skriver de om meg og til meg? Eller er dette en bok jeg leser? Is this the real life? Også blir jeg helt forbløffet over at det faktisk er meg og ingen andre. That effect I got!...? tenker jeg. For janteloven spiller litt inn. At jeg ikke bør være cocky. Men jeg blir litt cocky på den måten at jeg vet at jeg har klart å gjøre noe bra og at jeg faktisk har den kapasiteten. Men jeg lover meg selv at jeg aldri skal være utakknemlig og så ydmyk jeg bare kan. Jeg vet liksom ikke helt hva jeg skal si eller føle jeg da. Alt jeg vet er at det folk sier betyr så innmari mye. For herregud, bare se da!

Det første innlegget er til FBgruppa internt i AIESEC in Norway, og det andre er til allmennheita.

warning: må tvinge dere gjennom bibelen min også, for som sagt - jeg viiil at dere skal tro på det samme som jeg tror på, og se det samme som jeg ser! Og, uansett hvor farfetched det kanskje er, at dere også gjør det samme som jeg!

“This project gave me much more than I gave, taught me more than I taught, and made me stronger with new sensibilities” one of the EPs wrote in her testimonial, and it conveys my experience in iGCDP and of Aktiv Sommer so well.
Starting off with induction. I remember I came late to my own functional area session. Why? Because I spent the whole night and morning preparing. I was far from done because of the amount of things I had to get done that week, and what I had prepared wasn’t even nearly as what I had imagined in my mind. I was terrified to death because I pictured that everything would go to hell. That what I said to you, my dear iGCDP team, wouldn’t make sense, and I would have difficulties in conveying the little bubble I had lived in for a couple of months, shared with just a few people that was miles away from us that day. I was afraid you wouldn’t like me, and after what happened with the Empower project(It didn’t happen), I was afraid I didn’t make the cut as a leader and that you didn’t have trust in me.
My first encounter with you.. We started off with discussing were we felt we belonged, and what kind of cultures we identified ourselves with. You were all sharing such interesting accounts and were so engaged. If it was for me personally, we would’ve kept on going with this discussion, but we had to move on with the agenda. To the functional area training, which was the part I was looking for the least.. When I stumbled through our timeline and what tasks we had ahead, you were still surprisingly engaged and curious. I remember after our session was done, I went out of the classroom and I wanted to jump, scream and dance of joy all at the same time because I was so astonished by you, so happy of your curiosity and already then your dedication to the project. I went out of that room with a strong sense of having gathered such a great team and that our iGCDP team would accomplish great things. But typically, I didn’t dear to believe in this sense entirely.
Today my sense has proven to be right.
It was as if we danced through the raising and matching phase, at least in comparison to last year when we were raising Skedsmo asylum center to be on board with our project and matching the EPs to the newly raised project in Skedsmo, all in one day. This year we got a bigger and better venue, and not only were we granted economical support from 1 stakeholder, but 2 more!! Not to mention that we got the accommodations for free (though in hinsight, the bunker the EPs stayed in turned out to have an unhealthy inner climate and we had to move them).
During the conference Achieve in March 2015, I remember I had a talk withTheo Asiei, the former President of AIESEC in Norway, where he said that an issue in AIESEC is that the members don’t stick long enough in the organization to see the fruits of their hard work. Project realization was right around the corner, and a part of me was worried for what was coming next, because although we might have danced through the latter phases, we still had a lot of work ahead of us. I knew that the workload of the next phases wouldn’t exactly decrease to begin with, and I thought that if you were to quit or not be that engaged in iGCDP and Aktiv Sommer, it would be understandable since it was summer vacation. At the same time, I thought it would be such a shame if you would not engage yourself in the summer camp, the people and the children, because the amazing experience I had and the memories I sat left with after last year were so rewarding. I wanted to share this experience with you because I knew what it did for the society, and for the people involved. If I had to, I know I could’ve handled it because the project had made such an impact on me personally and it would've been worth every second. Only thing is that it would not have the same impact nor the same dripple effect.
However, I didn’t have to worry for long, because you were standing by my side, unconditionally, to the very end, and we’ve been supporting each other through high and low, ups and down, from start to end. I am so happy that I got to share this experience with several people and that I went through this journey with such amazing, hardworking and skilled people like you. Heck, we even managed to find a new accommodation within 3 fucking days!! The things we conquered 
This semester, we have spent an uncountable amount of hours striving to develop cultural understanding. We have worked together on developing the skills we believe belongs to cultural understanding; that is to develop the children’s English language, teamwork skills, communication skills, self-esteem and proactive attitudes. It might be super fluffy, super unconcrete. But we have managed to get the fluffy stuff down on earth by making every one we have encountered understand or even just being aware of the core of Cultural Understanding - which is that Different is Just Different. Being different is nothing good nor bad, it is just different.
“In the end we are all alike in just being different” it says in one of the EPs testimonials. Yes! Because In the end we all want the same things: to be happy. The only thing is that we execute it differently.
With all the effort and hard work we have put down in the project, I believe we have made a successfully attempt on reaching the mission by talking, sharing and acting. And though Peace and Fullfilment of Human Kinds Potential is pretty darn fluffy, I truly believe that what we did during the 6 weeks of the project realization, we came a step closer to reaching the big fluffy vision of ours. In fact, in our Aktiv Sommer bubble, we reached the mission and fulfilled the vision!
I am deeply grateful to have such wonderful people in my team. WithoutLine's organizational skills, without Moji Mojie’s ideas and punctuality, without Kochai’s concrete and constructive opinions and Shani’s financial perspective, professionalism and active participation, not to forget Bezawit and Mozhda’s hard work. And then we have Helene's support and presens and the great care she had for the EPs and children during the 6 weeks of the project realization. Without the whole team’s effort, we would never ever have made such a great project and such a great impact!
I am proud of you and of us, beyond measures.
Though, if it wasn't for the platform that AIESEC offers in terms of giving us the opportunity to experiment, experience and fail in a safe environment, and for all the other leaders who have built up this organization and shared their valuable knowledge, especially Rolf who taught me the most essential thing I know about leadership and team management, and not least Elisabeth who started this amazing project. Aktiv Sommer 2016 would not have existed nor been that great without the shoulders we were standing on.
I would also like to dedicate this post to Klara for being such a great role model and for being there for me at the right times. For Linn, who saw the potential in me and asked me to become a VP. For the EB of 14/15 at AIESEC in UiO for taking me with open arms, and the EB of 15/16 for your support and care. Lastly, I would like to give a special thank you to my dear sister, Vymi, my rock and true inspiration. Thank you for convincing me to give AIESEC a chance. If you hadn't done that, I would never gotten to know the fact that I can be a leader and that I can accomplish whatever I set my focus on. I would never be so sure of what I want to dedicate myself to in the future. Nor would I have gotten to meet all these wonderful and skilful people in AIESEC.
During my AIESEC journey and especially Aktiv Sommer I got to experience and understand what solidarity truly means, and the importance of it in order to achieve our goals.
Thank you for everything. For all of you who have contributed to my experience, whether big or small.
Thank you!
(and thank you for reading this AIESEC compendium to the very end)
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Hanya  Vyni, I would just like to say that you are simply inspiring. I have seen you work with planning and with hands on deck. You are such a hard worker with so much passion and energy even if you spent the previous night awake with planning.
I have seen you taking your time with the Aktiv Sommer EPs even if you have heaps of work pending. For me, that is just amazing that you could pull through both at the same time.

I would like to congratulate you on the huge success of Aktiv Sommer 2016 and you truly deserve some time off 😊

Fantastic work Vyni! I wish you all the best for your bright future. 

Kristin  😍😍😍😍💙💙💙💙 I'm so happy for you, your team and our LC Vyni, and I'm so proud of you all 💜

Helene  Congratulations on 2 successul iGCDPs, 2 YEARS IN A ROW! 
I actually don't remember what life was before we joined AIESEC together only 18 months ago, and what a rollercoaster it has been!
During this time, I've never met anyone who works more aligned and close to our vision than you and this project.
You rock Vyni, but it will not rock not to have you at national conferences this year 

Miguel  Your achievements are inspirational and, most of all, a message of hope and belief in the future of our entity! Very well done!

2 weeks have past since project Aktiv Sommer has ended, and it is still hard for me to wrap my head around the beautiful things I have experienced, the valuable knowledge I have gained, the amazing people I have met and not least the scope of impact we have made together.
For half a year, I, along with my amazing team members, have worked to develop cultural understanding by facilitating for a summer camp that builds upon this value, and for children from lower socioeconomic background to have an unforgettable summer. We contacted and reconnected with stakeholders, chose carefully the campleaders to lead Aktiv Sommer, and supported them as best as possible. Uncountable hours has gone down, and you might wonder: Why do I even bother?
Aligned with the AIESEC vision, I strive to reach peace and fulfillment of humankind potential. I want to improve our society by tackling the issues we face today, and I want to empower people to see their potential so they can be a leader and lead themselves towards reaching their goals, even if it is a personal goal or within a group. Just imagine how the society would look like if we managed to do this or what you yourself will achieve if you dare to go out of your comfort zone and really challenge yourself to reach your goals!
It might seem fluffy and unconcrete, but I believe that in order to realize this vision of peace and fulfillment of humankind potential, we need to start with developing cultural understanding. We need to have patiency, be able to put ourselves into others' shoes and be respectful. As we say in AIESEC and as we have said many times in the summer camps; we need to respect the fact that being different is neither good or bad, because different is just different. People have different communication styles. They are from different cultural backgrounds and have grown up in different environments that influences the way they communicate. A person might therefore not give you a compliment or a criticism in the same way as you are used to. They should'nt be looked upon as weird for this reason. Because different is just different.
We should already have developed cultural understanding and accepted the fact that we have our differences, and we should already have gotten past our differences. Because then we wouldn't develop xenophobia and have these prejudices we have. Things wouldn't have escalated to extremism and we wouldn't have war nor terrorism, from left or right. But we do. And things have escalated. Our reality is far from the ideal state.
However, we are on our way. This summer, my team along with 22 amazing Exchange Participants spent 6 weeks of our summer to get to know, facilitate and create activities for children from different background, with the children from asylum centers as our main focus group. And for every fight we tackled, and every cultural session we had, we came closer to reaching our mission of developing cultural understanding. For every friendship created, discussion held and the many activities that built upon teamwork, communication, developing self-esteem and pro-active attitude, we came closer to reaching our mission. Whether addressing it directly directly or indirectly.
With the impact we've made and the dripple effect it will have, I believe we are one step closer to reaching peace and fulfillment of humankind potential. Because you know, it always starts with something small.
I can't say this enough, but I am so proud of each and everyone of you who have been involved. For what you have done and contributed with. For your effort and dedication. Our vision might be fluffy and unconcrete, but at least we have the balls to try to realize it.
I have learned so much throughout my AIESEC journey, and I see things in a whole different perspective. They say you are confined only by the walls you build yourself. I have learned to break these walls that has held me back from realizing what I want. With this experience behind me, I know that if I put down enough time and effort, I will achieve everything I set my focus on. We all are capable!
The most important lesson I learned during this summer is what solidarity truly means and what we together as a team can achieve. I have seen what 1 person is capable of doing and how much impact this person made, and I have seen how much it differs having several people working towards the same goal. There would be no mountains we couldn't climb, and we would be so effective, we would even climb Besseggen within 5 hours (Maybe 6 since it is important to enjoy the view, the people and the experience along the way).
An event I will never forget is when we had extra activities for the children on a beautiful sunny Saturday. We expected 10-15 children and we were 3 adults. Suddenly, we were up to 32 children vs 3 adults. It was crazy. And it was so much fun.
Thank you to everyone who made the biggest challenge I have had so far fun and unforgettable. Thank you to all of you who had faith in me and made me better as a leader and as a person.
The many smiles, laughter and tears shared will forever be cherished. 
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72Nuria, Sinh y 70 personas más
14 comentarios

Linn  I'm so happy you are left with these thoughts and reflections after your time in AIESEC. If we can provide only a fraction of the people going through the organization with this, we're far along the way to completing our vision. Your success and experience is largely due to you and your inner drive alone, you have a lot to be proud of 

Lui Really miss the old times in AIESEC and working with you!
And it was so nice that I could visit you and witness your camp!
So proud of you!!!

Amel' Thank you for being the beautiful person you are, dedicated and devoted. Always supportive. All of this wouldn't have been possible without you.

Claudia Righi Vyni we are proud of you!beautiful person,thank you 

Bezawit  Vyni, youre great and inspiring ❤️ gonna miss you

Helene All creds to you Vyni! The number of lives you've made an impact on, both directly or indirectly, is something to be very proud of 

Hanya Vyni,you are just so inspiring! I wish you all the best and will surely miss you 

Franzi My favorite word is fluffy  Thanks for everything, Vyni! I miss you guys so much 
Az Iz Gratulerer!  *-*

John Miss the days last summer 😳

Andrea Du er en stjerne Vyni!! Heia deg, du er så dyktig, så modig og smart. All ære til deg og alt ditt harde arbeid! 😘🤘🏽😎

李航 Awesome Vyni! So proud of you!

Jeg må bare gjenta det at hæææ? jeg kan ikke forstå at alt dette er om meg og til meg. Jeg bare fatter det ikke helt.

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